Membership Benefits

Members of the EFT Center of Los Angeles enjoy a range of benefits, including:

  • Being a part of a therapeutic community to build professional networks and friendships

  • Special discounts for the Center’s trainings

  • Free or very low cost entry to community events 

  • Free monthly drop-in style consultation with local EFT Supervisors Office Hours for support in your EFT work.

  • Invitations to social gatherings hosted by the Center

  • Ability to post on the website approved EFT-related events/offerings, such as supervision groups, Hold Me Tight Relationship Groups, Trainings and Talks in EFT, Book/Movie/Therapist Support Groups and Clubs 

  • Members will have their own dedicated profile listed on the Membership Directory. Being listed on the directory requires: 1) Completion of  a 4-Day Externship and 2) membership with the International Center for EFT.

  • Access to the LA EFT Listserve  

  • Access to the Members Only EFT Center of LA Resource Library where there will be webinars, videos, and other EFT resources to support your learning and development in EFT

Join the EFT Center of Los Angeles

To join, please select the level of membership below that best fits your needs. You’ll enter your contact information, and once your submission is approved by an EFTCLA admin, you’ll receive an email encouraging you to complete your registration, make your payment, and provide any remaining required membership information. If you’ve already joined, please login using your email and password at the MEMBER LOGIN link above.

As part of our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion as articulated here, we are pleased to offer an equity rate to any members (new or renewing) who identify as part of a marginalized group. Please enter code EQUITY at checkout for 50% off any level of membership. If you have questions about any of our membership rates or require any assistance with the process, please contact us!

* We have two kinds of membership packages - “One Year” and “Auto-Renewing”. We recommend the “Auto-Renewing” Option - it’s one less thing you have to worry about and you can cancel at any time. If you opt for the “One Year” membership, you will need to renew your membership manually once it expires. This requires creating a new membership account and password each year. If you have any questions about which package is right for you, don’t hesitate to contact us!


 Professional (ICEEFT)

You are a licensed professional with a current ICEEFT membership.


One Year


Associate (ICEEFT)

You are an associate with a current ICEEFT membership.


One Year


Student (ICEEFT)

You are a student with a current ICEEFT membership.


One Year



You are a licensed professional but not a member of ICEEFT.


One Year



You are an associate but not a member of ICEEFT.


One Year



You are a student but not a member of ICEEFT.


One Year
